Call for Paper
The ABR journal invites papers to be published on coming issue for 2024. The accepted papers will be published any time online. Also there will be physical copies published twicely a year.
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A 150-300 word abstract should be provided with a maximum of five (5) key words. It should appear at the beginning of the article. This should be complete in itself, outlining the aim of the study, the research problem, Research methodology, the findings and the recommendations. The abstract is to be in fully-justified italicized text below the author information. Use the word “Abstract” as the title, bold-face and centred relative to body of the paper. The abstract is to be single-spaced in a single-blocked paragraph. Leave two blank lines after the abstract then begin the main text.
The author introduces the subject matter contained in the article by highlighting the study problem and the gap of knowledge that still exists, objectives of the study, the scope of the study and the significance of the study. This section should show how the article is organized and sources of information being discussed.
The author shows particulars of literature reviewed and the knowledge gap. Sources of information must be specifically shown by acknowledging the works of former researchers and by examining arguments of forerunners and predecessors on the issues. Citation should be in accordance with Harvard Referencing Style. Where possible, the author should present the theoretical framework (a critical analysis of theories) or research model and conceptual framework in terms of the study.
This is a detailed description of selected methods and should be presented in unambiguous terms. This section comprises of the following concepts: area of the study, research design (survey, case study, experiment, etc.), research approach, targeted population, sample size, sampling techniques, data collection methods, data analysis methods, and ethical considerations. Most of the components need to be justified.
Presentation of the findings as captured during the study work. The author states the findings of the study as revealed by the data analysed. Besides, a researcher should make sure that: data analysis methods are applied correctly, results are well presented, and results of the analysis are clearly linked to the objectives, that is, results should lead to fulfilment of Research Questions or Research Objectives.
The author discusses the findings in terms of knowledge acquired, studies / literature made, and experiences gathered. Authors should take care of implication of their discussion and findings to specific interested persons. A deeper discussion of the research study findings in relation to the study objectives and research questions should be provided. Justification and critical analysis of the findings are expected.
This covers a brief summary of the findings from the study and the conclusion thereof. Besides, it includes limitations of the study. The author also emphasizes the main issues raised in the discussion and the contribution to knowledge (knowledge Extension).
This includes areas for further research. The Author should also give well-constructed recommendations. Recommendations should be clearly stated and directed to suggestions for addressing challenges faced by the people.
This is a list of all works cited in the manuscript and should be written according to the approved format. The approved format at IAA is Harvard Referencing Style (version 4.0 September 2017). All sources cited in the text should be included in the list of references. References shall be arranged in alphabetical order. Use up-to-date and authoritative references.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
The ABR journal invites papers to be published on coming issue for 2024. The accepted papers will be published any time online. Also there will be physical copies published twicely a year.