Examining the Effect of Staff Training and Development on Human Resource Performance: A Case Study of the Tanzania Port Authority
Staff training and development, Human resource performanceAbstract
The study examined the effects of staff training and development on human resource performance. To achieve the main objective, three specific objectives were developed; to assess the effectiveness of training and development on human resource performance, to assess the effect of training methods offered on human resource performance, and third was to determine the effects of different types of training offered on human resource performance at the Tanzania Port Authority (TPA). Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews from a sample of 120 randomly selected respondents. Data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science and the findings are presented using tables and figures. Qualitative data from interviews were analysed using the thematic analysis method. Results revealed that training of employees successfully improved the performance of the workers. Moreover, the results showed that out of five ways in which employees were selected for the training, the use of performance appraisal results has been most effective at TPA.
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