Correlation Between Continuous Assessment in Accountancy Modules and Students’ Academic Performance in Higher Learning Institutions: The Case of Institute of Accountancy Arusha in Tanzania
Continuous Assessments, Accountancy Modules, Students’ Academic Performance, Final Examinations, Institute Of Accountancy ArushaAbstract
This study aimed to examine the correlation between continuous assessment and final examination scores. The study was conducted at the Institute of Accountancy Arusha, Dar es Salaam Campus. The study used an explanatory sequential design with a sample of 75 respondents for the quantitative phase and 5 respondents for the qualitative phase (total sample of 80 respondents). The study used secondary data for the quantitative phase, the data were tested for normality by using the Shapiro-Wilk test, and they were found to be normally distributed. The analysis was both qualitative and quantitative by using content analysis and Pearson correlation respectively. The findings show that there is a moderate positive correlation between continuous assessment and final score for basic technician certificate in accountancy students while for the ordinary diploma of Accountancy year one students’ score had insignificant correlation. The findings also have shown that factors such as the effectiveness of assessment plans may dictate the correlation between the two. The study recommends that for continuous assessment to predict good performance of students in final exams; tests, and assignments should be composed basing on the assessment plans to make them stronger in establishing correlation between Continuous Assessment and Final Examination. Also, it is recommended that the academic support department must use moderators to moderate tests and assignment, moderation should not only be during final examinations.
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