The Journal of Informatics <p><em>The Journal of Informatics</em> (TJI) is a high stature scholarly research journal in information and communication technologies (ICT). The focus of <em>The Journal of Informatics</em> is to acquaint a broad audience of readers with the innovation and development of ICT solutions and other relevant normative, empirical, and theoretical concerns of ICT development, implementation, strategy, management and policy that are distinctive to East Africa. This journal is managed by a team of researchers and practitioners interested in promoting ICT research and practices. The following are the key areas of <em>The Journal of Informatics – Programming, Databases and data warehousing, Computer security, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Mathematics, Operating Systems, Networking, ICT Systems Management, ICT4Dev, Library Science and Records Management.</em></p> IAA Press en-US The Journal of Informatics 2714-1993 Difficulties in Learning the Data Structures Course: Literature Review <p>Data structures is a highly demanding course for computer science students, often associated with high cognitive load and consequently, high failure and dropout rates. This study aimed to identify the primary causes of difficulties in learning data structures course, as reported in the computer science education literature. The study employed a mixed approach. Quantitative analysis methods utilized descriptive statistics, while qualitative analysis involved a systematic literature review method. A total of 99 research publications were searched from digital libraries and used in this study, with 42 papers designated for systematic reviews and analysis after meeting selection criteria. The findings reveal that students in computer science education face several difficulties in learning data structures, stemming from the inherent complexity of the subject, teaching methodologies employed, and individual learner characteristics such as poor student background knowledge and low student motivation. Based on these findings, the study recommends the adoption of new teaching strategies to address the encountered difficulties and enhance the learning experience for students learning data structures.</p> Adam Mtaho Leonard Mselle Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-05-30 2024-05-30 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.136 Factors Affecting the Participation of Tanzanian College Youths in Purchasing Online Products <p>Recently, Tanzania has experienced an exponential growth of internet users, with youths forming the largest number of users who access internet service. Despite statistics showing that youths form the largest number of internet users in the country, the number of youths who purchase online products is still limited. This study aimed to analyse factors affecting youth online purchasing in Tanzania and suggest strategies to improve its adoption. The subjects of the study were 43 students from the Arusha Technical College in Tanzania who were studying an E-commerce and Internet Technology course. The data were collected using questionnaires and participatory workshop. The collected data were analysed using both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The findings reveal ten factors that influence youth engagement in online purchases: quality risks, delayed deliveries, e-commerce skill gaps, fraud fears, extra charges, internet costs, payment issues, network reliability, local availability, and absence of bargaining habits. To enhance the participation of youths in online shopping, the study recommends several strategies which, if implemented, will help improve e-commerce adoption in Tanzania. The major contribution of this study is to reveal the status of online purchase adoption among Tanzanian youths and document strategies for accelerating its adoption in the country.</p> Adam Mtaho Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.140 Preservation and Conservation Practices of Library Information Resources in Tanzania: Perspectives from Librarians <p>This study sought to assess ways by which librarians in various libraries in Tanzania preserve information resources for current and future use. Specifically, the study identified the kinds of collections and their status, attempted to find out activities carried out in libraries that are related with preservation and evaluated ways in which the existing library materials could be prevented from deterioration. The study used focus group discussions to collect data from 25 librarians from various libraries in Tanzania, who attended a workshop on preservation of library information resources, held at Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST). Results reveal that major formats available in libraries include print media, e-resources, microforms, manuscripts and artworks. Activities conducted in libraries that were associated with preservation included refreshing, migration, digitization, proper shelving, collection examination, user orientations, photocopying, restoration, data backup, environmental control, binding and monitoring collections through CCTVs. However, challenges encountered during preservation activities include poor skills among librarians on appropriate preservation activities, harsh environmental conditions such as high temperature and lack of written policies and guidelines on preservation of library resources. The study concluded that preservation activities were actually carried out in libraries although the extent to which librarians undertook preservation activities varied from the nature of the libraries. It was therefore recommended that policies and guidelines on preservation activities be developed to guide preservation activities.</p> Andrew Malekani Evans Wema Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.155 The Effect of the Water Information System on Enhancing Customer Service Delivery <p>The study has evaluated the effect of MajIS on enhancing customer service delivery by water and sanitation authority in Arusha city. The study used a descriptive research design and a mixed-method approach. The sample size was 113. Quantitative data was collected through a questionnaire, and qualitative data was collected through an interview guide. Probability and non-probability sampling techniques were used. Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation analysis were used to analyse quantitative data, and content analysis for qualitative data. The results revealed and concluded that MajIS significantly affects the accessibility, quantity, quality, and reliability of water and sanitation services. Additionally, there is a moderate positive linear relationship between the level of customer service delivery and accessibility, availability, quality, and reliability of water and sanitation services. This study recommends that AUWSA integrate the MajIS with its customers to allow direct interaction and two-way communication to improve customer service delivery.</p> Mishael Abduel Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.162 The Impact of Quizzes on Students’ Class Attendance and Performance in Mathematics Within Singida District <p><em>This study explores the impact of mathematics quizzes on student attendance and mathematics performance at the secondary school level in Singida District, Tanzania. Regular assessments, such as quizzes, are posited to enhance learning outcomes by encouraging consistent study habits and immediate feedback. The research aims to investigate whether the implementation of frequent mathematics quizzes can positively influence student attendance and improve their performance in mathematics. The researchers utilized a quantitative methodology for gathering and analyzing data. The experimental group A participated in regular mathematics quizzes, while the control group B followed the standard curriculum without additional quizzes. The findings reveal that students who participated in regular quizzes had significantly better attendance and higher mathematics performance compared to those who did not. Additionally, students reported that quizzes helped them stay engaged with the material and identify areas needing improvement. The study concludes that integrating regular quizzes into the mathematics curriculum can be an effective strategy to boost student attendance and enhance mathematics performance. Recommendations include encouraging schools to adopt regular quiz schedules, providing training for teachers on effective quiz design, and ensuring that quizzes are used as a formative assessment tool to support student learning.</em></p> John Saqware Francis Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.181 Anxiety and the Performance of Secondary School Students in Mathematics Within Singida District <p><em>In Singida District, students' performance in the final examination results for mathematics has been consistently low for the past six years. This study investigates the influence of anxiety on mathematics performance among secondary school students. Mathematics anxiety is characterized by feelings of tension, and fear of failure in math tasks is a significant issue affecting students' academic performance. The researchers utilized a quantitative methodology for gathering and analyzing data. The sample consisted of 384 students from twelve secondary schools in the Singida regions were randomly chosen to participate in the study. The study utilized closed-ended questionnaires distributed to participants to collect data. The findings indicated that higher levels of anxiety are associated with lower performance. Additionally, the study identifies various factors contributing to mathematics anxiety, including teaching methods, parental pressure, and lack of confidence. The study concludes with recommendations for educators, parents, and policymakers to implement strategies that can help reduce mathematics anxiety and improve students' performance in the subject. These strategies include creating a supportive learning environment, employing anxiety-reducing teaching techniques, and fostering a positive attitude towards mathematics among students.</em></p> John Saqware Francis Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.182 Assessing Cybersecurity Threats To Tanzania's Government E-Payment Systems And Their Impact On National Security <p>This research delves into the cybersecurity ecosystem of Tanzania, concentrating on the threats and vulnerabilities inherent in the government's electronic payment gateway and their ramifications for national security. Utilising a descriptive research methodology, the study surveyed 1,420 officials from different departments within the Tanzania Ministry of Finance and Planning. It narrowed them down to a sample of 200 through purposive and convenience sampling techniques. Data collection was executed via structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews, with analysis conducted using both quantitative (SPSS for inferential statistics) and qualitative (content analysis) methodologies. The findings highlight a pronounced deficiency in cyber literacy among staff, rendering them more vulnerable to cyber-attacks and resulting in significant financial losses. The research identifies critical weaknesses within the government's e-payment systems that pose substantial risks to national security. The study advocates for a multifaceted strategy to address these issues, including incorporating cyber literacy into educational curricula, enhancing national cybercrime management, and reinforcing government cyber networks with advanced security technologies. Furthermore, the study underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive cybersecurity policy. Implementing such a policy is pivotal to ensuring a secure digital environment that supports national security and economic stability, forming the cornerstone of the proposed multifaceted strategy.</p> Adam Semlambo Nasania Stanslaus Shalua Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-11-25 2024-11-25 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.184 The Impact Of Computer Literacy On The Adoption Of E-Government Systems In Kigamboni Municipal Council <p>Evaluate the impact of computer literacy on e-Government adoption among public sector workers at Kigamboni Municipal Council in Tanzania. A sample of 105 employees was surveyed and interviewed, with data analysis conducted using SPSS v.26. Thematic analysis of interview responses provided deeper insights, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the findings. Statistical techniques, including descriptive statistics and linear regression, were used to explore relationships between variables, with strong internal consistency (Cronbach's Alpha &gt; 0.8) indicating effective construct measurement. The results reveal that public sector employees' computer literacy and technological proficiency are crucial for successful e-Government implementation. Descriptive analysis shows that computer literacy (mean: 3.27, SD: 1.26) and proficiency (mean: 4.5, SD: 1.40) significantly influence e-Government usage. The study highlights the importance of computer training programs (mean: 3.8, SD: 1.34) in enhancing e-Government implementation at Kigamboni Municipal Council, where computer literacy (mean: 3.1, SD: 1.41) serves as both a critical factor for adoption and a significant barrier. The research emphasizes the need for continuous training to improve public sector employees' skills in using e-Government platforms, underscoring that computer literacy significantly affects the success of e-Government initiatives, particularly in tasks such as conducting transactions and accessing information.</p> Hamad Hiza Amdani Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-08-17 2024-08-17 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.211 Strengthening Of Students’ Class Attendance Using Biometric Authentication System To Enhance Delivery Of Competence-Based Quality Education <p>Delivery of competence-based quality education for students' academic achievements strongly correlates with effective student class attendance. In Tanzania, no student registered by the NACTVET is eligible for examination unless he/she has earned 75% of class attendance. In this regard, most education institutions use paper-based class attendance to manage students' class attendance. The system requires students to sign to his/her name as the class session is in progress. Despite this effort made by educational institutions still, the manual process of monitoring and tracking students’ class attendance remains challenging for module facilitators. This study examined the problem associated with the paper-based methods of monitoring and tracking students’ class attendance by collecting primary data using questionnaires from students of higher learning institutions in the Arusha Region. After the data analysis findings revealed that paper-based students’ class attendance has many drawbacks which include time-consuming and students’ signature impersonation. The paper-based class attendance facilitates dishonest students to forge the signatures of the absent students. To address these challenges, the study recommends education institutions implement cost-effective biometric class attendance such as fingerprints or facial recognition scanners, which can automatically monitor and keep students' attendance records on the database without interfering with the class session.</p> ANOLD NKATA Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-11-05 2024-11-05 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.231 Probability Modeling of Customer Switching Behavior and Voice Tariff Disparities in Tanzanian Telecom Markets <p>The telecommunications sector has experienced significant growth, driven by technological advances, improved internet access, investment from both the private and public sectors, and competitive pricing. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the factors that influence customer switching. This study examines voice tariff disparities between telecommunications operators in Tanzania and determines the probability of customer switching behavior. This was achieved by analyzing the relationship between tariff differences and the likelihood of customers switching service providers. A quantitative research approach was used using secondary data from the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA), covering the period from the quarter ending March 2023 to the quarter ending June 2024. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression were used to model the effects of tariffs on switching behavior. Findings indicated that higher local SMS and on-net voice tariffs significantly increase the probability of customers switching providers, while higher international voice tariffs surprisingly reduce the likelihood of customer switching behavior. The study concluded that competitive pricing, particularly in SMS and local voice services, is essential for customer retention. It recommends that telecom operators focus on cost-effective service offerings and improve network quality to minimize churn. Future research should explore the dynamics behind the lower switching tendency for international services to enhance retention strategies for premium service users.</p> Laurent L Lulu Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-11-25 2024-11-25 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.237 A Modelling Of The Weed Invasion And Control Strategies For Mesquite Plants <p>The new study presents an innovative model for examining the spread of the mesquite species, which is well-known for its extensive presence around the world thanks to water dispersion in various areas. The goal is to assess the stability of the system locally and globally using epidemiological modeling techniques. The approach involved analyzing the basic reproduction number (R₀) using the next-generation matrix to find the coefficients for the Lyapunov function. The results indicated that, the absence of mesquite remains stable on both local and global scale when R₀ is less than 1, but when R₀ exceeds 1, an endemic equilibrium is observed. Numerical simulations using Runge Kutta ode45 algorithm implemented in MATLAB. The study demonstrated that, an increase in the number of water bodies flowing on land, leads to a faster spread and invasion of mesquite. The study suggests the use of this model in areas where the mesquite species is native to raise awareness, inform decision-making, and educate communities, ultimately aiding efforts to manage and eliminate the species.</p> Joel Kazoba Simon Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.244 Evaluating the Impact of Latency in a Virtual Private Network Performance Using Different Encryption Algorithm and Hashing <p>This study analyzes the performance of a network, specifically on advanced encryption standard and Triple data encryption standard when used with secure hash algorithm and Message digest-5 hashing algorithms, when the communication between two communicating nodes is aided by virtual private network connectivity. The study involved two cases; one with AES and the other with 3DES at which each case had a set of two test scenarios which simulated the performance of the selected protocols to simulate the intended scenarios. The simulation scenarios were configuring AES256 with SHA256, AES256 with MD5 and 3DES with SHA256 as well as 3DES with MD5. The simulations carried out measured the latency that impacted the VPN network. Data was collected using network simulation tool “the Ping tool” in an Ubuntu 20.0.1 environment. It is founded that the hashing algorithm SHA256 experienced high Latency compared to MD5 which is contributed by the capacity of processing the hash value by SHA256. Sha256 Produces a hash value that is 266 bits long while MD5 produces a hash value that is 128 bits long, the longer the hash value the longer time is taken to process it. This causes more latency in the network</p> Edwin Kwesigabo Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.245 Users' Awareness of Cyber Security Practices for Preventing Data Attacks in Public Organisations <p>This study assessed users' awareness of cyber security practices for preventing data attacks. The study employed a descriptive research design and quantitative research approach. A random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 65 respondents. Data were collected through structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation were used to analyse data. The validity and reliability of data collection tools were ensured. Findings revealed that the user's awareness of cyber security practices on prevention of data attacks was high in the selected case for study, which remains anonymous. The study recommends that due to the rapid changing of technology, the organisation should prevent risks from various sources, including internet-borne attacks, such as spyware or malware, user-generated weaknesses, such as easily guessed passwords or misplaced information, inherent system or software flaws and vulnerabilities and subvert system or software features.</p> Mishael Abduel Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.355 The Influence of Employees’ Attitudes Towards Implementing Financial Management Information Systems In Public Institutions In Tanzania <p>Employees are the key players in successfully implementing the Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) in public institutions. Therefore, it is important to understand and address the attitudes of employees towards behavioural intentions to use these systems. However, the empirical evidence specifically targeting FMIS implementation in public institutions is limited. This study determined the influence of employees' attitudes towards implementing FMIS in public institutions. The study adopted a quantitative research approach and the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (DTPB) in which a structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. The study applied data analysis through SPSS to test Pearson Chi-Square, One-Way ANOVA and Ordinal Regression Analysis. The study found that attitudes influence the implementation of FMIS in public institutions. The findings suggest that public institutions have to strategise how to change the attitudes of employees to adapt to the use of information systems. The institutions should work towards complete participation of employees in the requirements of system users, adequate communication during implementation, hands-on training, and full support from developers of such systems. Also, the government must ensure that all the employees who are the principal users of these systems know the benefits of these accounting systems in day-to-day operations.</p> James Elias Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-11-19 2024-11-19 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.375 The Impact of Quizzes on Improving Mathematics Performance Among Higher Education Students <p>This study investigates the role of mathematics quizzes in enhancing student attendance and academic performance at higher learning institutions, specifically focusing on the Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA). The research aims to determine whether frequent quizzes contribute to improved student engagement and better academic outcomes in mathematics courses. This study applied quantitative methods for data collection whereby first set of data came from quiz results, and the second set was obtained through a survey administered to students participating in the mathematics course. The findings indicate a significant positive relationship between the regular quizzes and increased student mathematics performance. Additionally, the data reveals that students who frequently participate in quizzes tend to achieve higher grades in mathematics. The study concludes that, integrating regular quizzes into the mathematics curriculum at higher learning institutions can be a strategic approach to improve academic performance. The recommendations include Utilizing online quiz platforms to make quizzes more accessible and to track student performance efficiently. Online quizzes can also provide instant results and analytics.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Regular quizzes, students' Mathematics performance and Higher Learning Institutions</em></strong></p> Jesline Elieza Gowele Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.397 A Scoping Review Of Usability Metrics For Assessing ehealth Systems <p>eHealth systems have exploded in popularity worldwide in recent years, fundamentally altering how health services are delivered. However, there has been a long discussion about what usability metrics should be used to evaluate eHealth systems. This paper assesses the usability metrics mostly applied in evaluating eHealth systems. A scoping review method was used, whereas 15 papers were reviewed after being extracted from 2112 studies from PubMed, Emerald Insight, and SAGE. The search terms were "usability" in combination with "metrics", "evaluation metrics", "factors", "attributes", "framework", "models", "taxonomy", "eHealth", "health", "telehealth", and "mHealth". The study established that usability metrics, including ease of use, task-technology match, navigation, information quality, technical quality, guide and support, consistency, visibility, flexibility, accessibility, and collaboration, are mostly applied in evaluating eHealth systems’ usability. Although the metric named collaboration had a low frequency, this study recommends that it be used in assessing eHealth systems due to its necessity. Thus, the healthcare process involves multiple healthcare professionals collaborating to accomplish the patients’ healthcare process. Additionally, the study revealed limited studies on the usability of eHealth systems in developing countries, specifically Africa. Subsequently, a few African studies applied generic usability metrics only to evaluating eHealth systems compared to developed countries. Future studies should consider validating these metrics' applicability in contexts in developing countries with limited resources.</p> Karisha Kavuta Nima Shidende Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of Informatics 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 4 1 10.59645/tji.v4i1.420